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Meet Jeannie

"Life is created when you trust in the promise of unseen things, just as buds hold life in the depth of winter." ~Sister Stanislaus Kennedy


I have been providing way-finding readings and transformational guidance to wise women for nearly two decades.  Astrology, tarot, and palmistry are the mystical arts that have filled me with a sense of wonder and hope, while singing awake my soul.  

It has been my good fortune to study with experts, generous and inspiring teachers, from near and far. I am a wisdom seeker at heart (Sun 
in Sagittarius) and trust that I will forever be joyfully learning.  With a Master's in Education, I’ve woven together my love of teaching, guiding, creating, and way-finding for many moons! 

As a certified meditation teacher, I maintain a daily centering practice of honoring the silence within. This time in silence informs my work as a guide, by keeping me closely connected to my intuition and inner whisperings.

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"  ~Mary Oliver


The ancient symbolic systems of astrology and tarot have been used by seekers for centuries to uncover hidden truths and tap into divine guidance.  It all begins with letting go.  By releasing old habits and mindsets that no longer serve you, you consciously create room in your life for new practices, experiences, people, situations, and yes, miracles to enter. 

The way-finding systems of tarot and astrology can help you to set this process in motion.


Let’s talk about Dharma for a minute. I invite you to think of Dharma as referring to behaviors that are in harmony with your inner guidance system.  Think: intuition, gut feelings, callings, inspiration, non-logical ideas—all of these elements contribute to the workings of your inner guidance system. 

I believe that reconnecting with, or discovering your Dharma (your big why for living and loving) is a transformational process.  It wakes you up!  Shifting you from a place of low energy, fear, imbalance, or lacking joyful inspiration, to a place where you feel genuinely happy to be you, energized by the work you’re here to do, and full of focus and heartfelt intention for the path you’re on. 

When your actions reflect the energy that lights you up from within, you are likely following your Dharma.  Living your Dharma brings you into alignment with your soul’s mission—for they are one and the same.   Here, you’ll find your thoughts, words and actions are in harmony with one another, and your life force energy is strong.


The ancient way-finding systems of astrology and tarot are designed to point you toward realizing your Dharma. 


Nature, and your surrounding environment will always act as a mirror for your inner mindset—everything around you and inside of you is constantly providing clues that can bring you back to center—to a place of equilibrium and enthusiasm.  


"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love, it will not lead you astray."  ~Rumi


When you seek  direction from way-finding systems like astrology and tarot, you are opening a door to connect with divine energy.  You'll need to be curious enough to look for synchronicities as they appear, and trusting enough to listen to the guidance you receive, and act upon it. 

I invite you to think of any challenges you may be facing as important inflection points on your path.  They hold life lessons for you, that have the power to heal and transform you. 

When you choose to do the beautifully intentional and brave work of seeking out new paths to explore, while embracing change and growth, you'll begin to 
recalibrate your internal energy, and set the wheels in motion to begin living your Dharma on purpose.

Tarot and astrology both contain layers of archetypal symbols that, when recognized and acted upon, will help you to break free of old patterns and support you in focusing your attention on what matters most: creating the change you desire.  

If you're looking for a road map that will help you to remember who you really are, the ancient systems of astrology and tarot await you.  

Prepare to step into your Dharma and let your heart sing!

"The creative process is a process of surrender, not control."  ~Julia Cameron
